北维中文学校家长会及Evergreen Home care Inc.联合举办-"北维州居民耆老的小区看护选择”座谈会 您的至亲或者亲友中是否有独居的耆老但却不良于行?或者家中有耆老们正与您同住,而您正面临着每日疲于奔波在工作及照料他们的生活起居之中? 我们想邀请您参加三月九日下午二时十五分假北维中文学校家长休息室 (Room # 223, George C. Marshall High School, 7731 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043)举办的“北维州居民耆老的小区看护选择”座谈会,我们将提供信息、知识、及交流服务,与您一起分享及寻求如何让您解套的方法。(下载座谈会文宣稿)该座谈会将提供您目前正在施行且可用的公共资源,同时此座谈会将着重在帮助独居的银发族如何面对独居生活及身体健康照料等问题。 Is your mother, dad, or another loved one living alone but is having trouble staying independent in their home? Are they living with you but their dependence on you for their care needs is affecting how you are juggling your personal and professional life? We would like to invite you to a seminar discussion on care options for older Chinese adults who live in Northern Virginia. The seminar will be held at Northern Virginia Chinese School on March 9, 2008 at 2:15 pm. Seminar flyer In this seminar, we will introduce you to the types of care options that are available. We will focus more on options that seek to help maintain your elder's independence and health in their own home or in your home.